
5 Natural Alternatives to Reduce Pain Caused by Kidney Problems

One of the most painful conditions known to man is the development of kidney stones. Around 10 to 12% of the population will develop kidney stones.1 Over the past decades, the incidence of kidney stones has increased and the age population has decreased. Research suggests that diet and lifestyle are the causes of this trend. Overall men are more likely than women to develop kidney stones and the prevalence may occur between the ages of 20 to 40 years of age.2 Studies have also observed that there is a significant risk of developing renal stones if the person suffers from obesity.

There are different types of kidney stones. The most common ones are calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate stones. These kidney stones account for 80 to 85% of all stones. Research has suggested that diet may be a key player in forming calcium stones, but the lack of fluids and other health problems like excess urinary calcium or lack of urinary citrate may be the primary causes.

Uric acid stones are commonly formed in people with gout or gouty arthritis. They can also develop in people with a history of Chrohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis. Uric acid stones may be also dissolved by alkalinizing the urine and by incrementing the amount of water consumed per day. The symptoms caused by kidney problems range from mild urinary frequency to pain in the abdomen, groin, and lower back.

Diet affects how stones are formed as well. A diet usually high in protein like beef, fish, chicken, and pork may also raise the acid levels in the body and urine.